Product Benefits:
-Levels Vata Dosha
-Anti-inflammatory Action
-Reduces Chronic pain
-Brings down Edema & sensitization
CannazoIndia Painaid External care, 3000mg, 15ml
Mechanism of action of active ingredient:
● Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two essential and active
components of medical cannabis (THC). THC, one of the active components in cannabis,
activates CB1 and CB2 receptors, respectively (1-2).
● The metabolic mechanisms that create 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (2-AG), anandamide,
and endocannabinoids in wounded tissues are known to reduce sensitization and
inflammation by activating cannabinoid (CB) receptors (3-5).
● CBD and THC both help to relieve pain at the location of an injury. THC’s
anti-inflammatory activities are primarily mediated via CB2 receptor activation on
immune cells, which dampens the body’s pain-inducing reaction to damage. CBD, on the
other hand, decreases inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory mediators and changing
macrophage repair cells from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory activation. (6-9).